For everyone interested in landscape, rocks and fossils.
Founded 1967

Meetings are held monthly at two venues – one in the north of the county near Colchester and the other in the south nearer to London. Visitors and new members are always welcome.
Our online meetings are useful for those who cannot get to meetings and we can also hear speakers from further afield. What’s on.
Trips through the year to places of geological interest in Essex and beyond.
Visits include coastal sections, quarries and museums, with collecting and photo opportunities. We access places such as quarries not available to the general public. What’s on.
Essex Gem & Mineral Show
In February of each year near Romford. Open to the public; dealers from all over the UK with spectacular minerals, gemstones and fossils for sale.
How To Join
If you share an interest in rocks and minerals or would simply like to join a local society to meet new friends and learn about this fascinating subject, please fill in our membership form to join. You can pay by debit or credit card.
Contact Us
You can contact us through our facebook page at EssexRockandMineralSociety or email us at
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