Essex Rock And Mineral Society Constitution as at November 2021
- The society shall be called the Essex Rock and Mineral Society, hereinafter referred to as the Society.
- The object of the Society shall be to promote interest in rocks, minerals, gems, fossils and general geology through meetings, a website, social media, an annual Show, displays, field visits and other means as determined by the Committee.
- The Society may be associated with other organisations that have similar aims and interests to the Society.
- A candidate for membership shall be at least eighteen years of age. The acceptance of a candidate for membership shall be confirmed by the Committee.
- Subscriptions
- Members shall pay an annual, non-refundable subscription for individual membership, which shall be due on 1st January each year. The amount of the subscription will be determined from time to time by the Committee and voted on by members at the ensuing Annual General Meeting.
- Members whose applications are accepted after 1 November shall receive membership up to the end of the following year.
- Any member who fails to pay the appropriate subscription by the end of March shall cease to be a member, but may reapply for membership.
- Membership shall cease if the Committee pass a resolution that it is undesirable in the interests of the Society for that person to remain a member and such a resolution is confirmed at an Extraordinary General Meeting of the Society by at least two-thirds of the members present and voting. The member in question shall be given an opportunity to present their case for continued membership either in person, in writing, or by a representative.
- Persons ceasing to be members shall no longer have any share or interest in the property and funds of the Society.
- Non-members shall be granted temporary membership by signing to attend and on payment of a fee, for the period of the event.
- The officers of the Society shall be (i) Chairman, (ii) Vice-chairman, (iii) Secretary, and (iv) Treasurer. These four officers and up to eight other members shall form the Committee, and shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting. All posts shall be honorary.
- Officers and members of the Committee shall be elected for one year, and may offer themselves for re-election.
- The Committee shall have the power to appoint members to fill vacancies as they occur, and to co-opt members organising major activities.
- Co-opted members shall not vote at Committee meetings.
- At meetings of the Committee a quorum shall be half the committee membership rounded up as necessary.
- The Committee shall meet when summoned by any officer of the Society, or by three voting members of the Committee, not less than one week’s notice in writing or by e-mail being given to all Committee members.
- The Committee may appoint Subcommittees for specific purposes and may co-opt members to serve on such Subcommittees.
- The Society’s monies, except for cash in hand, shall be deposited in a bank account, one signatory being necessary for a withdrawal. Signatories may be the Treasurer, Chairman, Vice Chairman or Secretary, or another committee member so appointed by the committee. Payments over £50 will require to be endorsed by 2 committee members and recorded by the Treasurer. Any income profits serve for the sole benefit of the membership as a whole. There will be no distribution of income to individual members.
- General meetings shall be held for the purposes relevant to the objects of the Society.
- The Annual General Meeting shall be held in November of each year,
- to receive and consider the annual report and verified statement of the accounts to 30 September,
- to elect officers, members of the Committee, and an accounts examiner who shall be independent of the Committee for the ensuing year, and
- for other business.
- Candidates for election as officers and members of the Committee shall be members of the Society and shall be nominated by any two members.
Only members of the Society shall vote. The method of voting to be used in any election shall be decided by a show of hands.
Motions for consideration at the Annual General Meeting shall be submitted in writing or by e-mail to the. Secretary at least twenty-eight days before the date of the meeting, for circulation to members at least ten days before the meeting. - An Extraordinary General Meeting may be called by the Committee or on the signed request of not less than fifteen members of the Society sent to the Secretary. Such Extraordinary General Meetings shall be held within twenty-eight days of receipt of the request and at least ten days notice in writing or by e-mail of the meeting shall be given by the Secretary to all members.
- All members and guests attending field-visits shall follow any reasonable instructions and heed any warnings given by the person appointed by the Committee to be the leader.
- Neither the Society nor any of its members shall accept any liability whatsoever for any accident, injury to persons, or damage to or loss of property, incurred by any member or guest arising from its activities, except in so far as the Society can be held to have been negligent. Participants are recommended to take out personal accident insurance cover and also to insure personal effects used in connection with the Society’s activities.
- In the event of dissolution of the Society, any property remaining after payment of outstanding liabilities shall not be paid to or distributed among the members, but shall be donated to such other societies having similar interests as the Society may determine.
- Alterations to the Constitution can be made either at an Annual General Meeting or at an Extraordinary General Meeting. Proposed alterations shall be signed by at least five members and submitted to the Secretary not less than twenty-eight days before such a meeting is held, for circulation to members at least ten days before that meeting.
- In case of doubt the Committee shall be called upon to determine the interpretation of the Constitution, and the ruling of the Committee shall be final on any matter not provided for in the Constitution.
November 2004. Amended November 2012, November 2014, November 2015, October 2018, July 2019, November 2019, November 2021